Research & Development



Research and Development (R&D) is an important aspect of TRIFED's activities.TRIFED has been undertaking R&D activities by sponsoring research on number of MFPs. Tribals still use traditional collection methods  for collecting Minor Forest produce and usually market it with minimum or no processing. 

Most of the NTFPs are under-utilised and there are few organisations which are working on the Minor forest produces in the country. It is in this context, R&D on NTFP/ MFP assumes critical importance for enhancing the income of tribal collector gatherers, reducing drudgery and waste and increasing efficiency of tribals.

As an apex organisation involved in the upliftment of tribals, TRIFED, along with Ministry of Tribal Affairs, sponsors R&D projects. TRIFED sponsors Research & Development projects through various reputed institutions like IITs,  IICT, Hyderabad, CFTRI, Mysore to find out new/innovative product(s)/ process(s) development so that it can enhance the value of Minor forest produce and livelihood of tribals. 


Following are the main objectives for undertaking Research project on Non-Timber Forest Produces (NTFPs) by TRIFED:

  • To develop innovative and low-cost process/ technology for optimum utilisation of available MFPs.

  • To develop tools, implements, methodologies, processes, etc. which result in sustainable harvesting and collection of MFPs on a sustainable basis by reducing manual drudgery waste, increasing efficiency and capacity of the tribal.

  • To develop appropriate technologies for post-harvest management of MFPs concerning sorting, grading, cleaning, dusting, scientific storage, primary level processing for increasing shelf-life/ value addition, reducing, process lost, etc.

  • Sustainable harvesting to ensure long term survival of forests.

  • Enhance income through value addition of the MFPs.


System of conducting Research and Development

The entire process of how R&D projects are initiated and executed in TRIFED is detailed below - from the proposal stage to the execution of the selected project. 

Invitation of R&D Proposal from Reputed Research Institutions

The concept research proposal invited by TRIFED for financial support

  • An advertisement is released in the first/second quarter of the financial year in English Daily /newspapers in major Metros and important cities in English language. Further a link on website is open throughout the year with prescribed format for submission of Research proposal on value addition of MFPs.
  • Research Institutions/University (ies) engaged in similar activities is approached to submit their research proposal on development of new products/ processes in order to enhance the income generation of Tribal etc.
  • A copy of advertisement along with the prescribed format and others detail is placed on TRIFED’s website for invitation research proposal. The idea is to convey the message of availability of R&D opportunity to maximum number of interested people.
  • Regional Offices situated in different states of the country are communicated /instructed to approach the research institution /university (ies) in their region /area for participation in Research activity.
  • Interested research Institutions/University/ scientist (s) engaged in similar activities may submit their research proposal in prescribed format available at Annexure  for financial support by TRIFED.

Procedure for selection of suitable project proposal

  • All the proposals received from different research institutions/ university (ies) at Head office are scrutinised /examined by the Expert Committee. The proposal shall be assessed on the basis of following:

>> Utility of research work for tribals.

>> Technical soundness/ Methodology adopted by Institution/ Principal Investigator.

>> Impact it may have in terms of benefit to number of tribal, if the desired output is achieved.

>> Possibilities of bringing the output on ground

>> Cost of the project

>> Time frame of project study.

>> Capital requirement for the commercialisation of research finding.

  • Based on the above parameters the proposals shall be prioritized and shortlisted by Expert Committee for further discussion on project related technical issues.
  • The Research Institutions/ university/ Scientist whose projects have been selected for further discussion, are advised to send a detailed proposal in the prescribed format available at Annexure
  • Submitted detailed proposal(s) as per Annexure. shall again be discussed by the Expert Committee meeting along with the representative scientist. The scientist /Institutions/university agency submitting the project shall be invited to make a power point presentation on technical and financial issues/ details of the proposal. The Experts in the committee shall discuss the proposal with the applicants in detail and collect required clarification and details. Further, scientist may advise to modify and resubmit the proposal with required details and clarification as per the recommendation/suggestion made by expert committee.
  • After submission of revised proposal scientist /institution for implementing the research project shall sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with TRIFED in the prescribed format (draft MOU available at Annexure . This MOU contains the terms and conditions agreed with the agency for smooth running of project(s) study and other aspects of the project.

Implementation of project

  • After the signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), the first instalment for initiation of project’s study shall be released to the institution(s) in form of cheque or Demand draft.
  • The agency shall abide by the terms of the MOU and submit a utilisation certificate of the instalment(s) in required format already released before release of next instalment.

Expert Committee for management & supervision

Constitution of Expert Committee - The R&D efforts of TRIFED shall be spearheaded by an Expert committee consisting of the following representing different fields of expertise

·         Managing Director, TRIFED

·         In charge/ Head, Minor Forest Product and Research & Development Division

·         Representative of Finance Division of TRIFED

·         Project Selection and Monitoring Committee (PSMC) : In this committee experts from reputed institutions such as Department of Biotechnology, Department of Science & Technology, Indian Council of Medical Research, National Medicinal Plant Board, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Forest Research Institute etc. are members of the committee.

The Expert committee may associate any other official of TRIFED or an expert from outside to co-operate the committee in implementation of the R&D effort/activity.

Role of Expert Committee

  • The Expert Committee shall identify the suitable project proposal(s) which meet the objective /aim of research work.
  • Selection of project proposal for implementation and monitor the progress of the projects on regular basis.
  • The selected and short listed proposal approved by Project Monitoring committee and Competent Authority shall be financially supported by TRIFED.
  • Expert committee shall provide the proper guidance and direction up to the completion of project in order to carry the research finding in logical end.
  • This Expert Committee shall also suggest and devise the methodology for implementation of the project at grassroots level.
  • The committee shall meet on quarterly/half yearly basis or depending upon the requirement to be assessed by the in charge of MFP and R&D Division.

Monitoring of the ongoing Project work

  • Expert Committee and Department head of Research Division of TRIFED are responsible for proper monitoring of the project and the timely completion of the project
  • The Principal Investigator shall submit the progress report of the work carried out in the Project quarterly to the TRIFED. TRIFED and Expert Members will examine /review the same. The report will indicate the progress made, bottlenecks if any, mid-course correction if required, fund utilization etc.
  • The progress report received from the Principal Investigator shall be discussed in the Expert Committee meeting and feedback shall be communicated to Principal Investigator.
  • The periodical review of the progress of project’s work is done by the Expert Committee constituted by TRIFED. The first review of the Project is normally done by the Expert Committee at the end of 6/12 months of the starting date as per mentioned in Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and accordingly, 2nd instalment of fund is released in line with the recommendation of the Expert Committee based on the technical progress and utilization of the previous funds. The Principal Investigator is called to give detail presentation before the Expert committee on the progress of the project, discussion on the technical and financial issues, expenditure incurred/ utilized for the first instalment of the fund released.
  • Representatives of TRIFED if so consider appropriate may also visit the Research Institution/ University for on the spot discussion with the concerned scientist to understand their project’s observation, difficulties if any faced by scientist for implementation of project, its progress and /or any other feedback. However, such visit is coordinated with mutual convenience.

Completion of the Project

  • The implementing institution communicates the completion of the project vis-à-vis the deliverables mentioned in the MOU. They submit details of the project in a report (3 Copies) form along with a Soft copy of the project report.
  • The implementing institution shall also submit details of the total fund received and utilized. Any un-utilised fund shall be returned by the institution along with the final report.
  • The final report submitted by the agency shall be presented in the next meeting of the Expert Committee where the results of the projects shall be discussed and compared with the deliverables mentioned in the MOU. The representative of the implementing agency involved in undertaking the Research shall personally present the report to the Committee and make a presentation of his/her report.
  • Based on the presentation and the final report Expert Committee shall advise for recording the completion of the project or otherwise and settlement of account.
  • The Expert Committee will also indicate the requirement for any further development/ cancellation/ validation of the finding.

Validation of the findings

  • Wherever required, the research findings are sent for an independent validation. All cost in this regard shall be borne by TRIFED and shall be treated as part of the project cost.
  • The implementing institution provides all the necessary details required for this purpose.
  • The validation report is discussed in the Expert Committee meeting. Based on the recommendation of the Expert Committee the project is considered for further development/ pilot production/ market testing etc.

Intellectual Property Rights

TRIFED adopted following policy on the intellectual properties generated under the research grant.

  • The ownership of the intellectual properties (IP) generated by the research performed under this grant, whether or not legally protected, shall vest jointly in the Implementing Institution and TRIFED. The Implementing Institution shall promptly report to TRIFED its intentions to protect legally any such IP.
  • TRIFED shall be deemed to have an irrevocable & royalty free license to use such IPs.
  • TRIFED will not be liable for any infringement by the Implementing institution, or by the investigators of the IPRs of the third parties.
  • The royalty /earning by granting license to third party for the said product/ technology/ Research shall be shared equally by TRIFED and concerned Implementing Institution.
  • The negotiation with the third party in this regard shall be held together by TRIFED and implementing institution.
  • TRIFED will have the right to call for drawings, specifications and other data necessary to enable the transfer of know-how to other parties and the Implementing Institution shall supply all the needed information at the request of TRIFED which will ensure confidentiality.

Pilot production / Market testing and commercialisation of Research

  • For those project which are recommended by the Expert Committee for further development and where the findings have been validated the project shall be taken for Pilot production/ market testing. Appropriate partner shall be identified for this purpose and financial and other involvement of TRIFED shall be decided on case to case basis.
  • Successful pilot production / result of market testing shall form the basis of commercialisation of the Research.

The relevant documents can be checked below- 

1- Format for submitting new Research Project.

2- Research products available for commercialisation.

3- Research Products - Technology transfer conditions.